aidisk file server
aidisk file server

VPNserver:PPTPPass-Through,PPTPServer,OpenVPNServer.VPNclient:PPTPclient,L2TPclient,OpenVPNclient.AiDiskfileserver.-SambaandFTPserver ...,2016年12月23日—IrememberafewyearsagothatthereweresomehighprofilestoriesaboutvulnerabilitiesinAsusrouters'AiD...

[Wireless Router] How to access a USB disk connected ...

2023年7月7日—ByAiDisk,youcansharethefilesintheUSBdiskwhichyouplugintherouterthroughtheinternet.AiDiskcombinessimpleFTPsettingswith ...

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(原廠三年保) 華碩ASUS RT

VPN server : PPTP Pass-Through, PPTP Server, OpenVPN Server. VPN client : PPTP client, L2TP client, OpenVPN client. AiDisk file server. - Samba and FTP server ...

AiDisk, Samba File Server and Media Server on Asus ...

2016年12月23日 — I remember a few years ago that there were some high profile stories about vulnerabilities in Asus routers' AiDisk, Samba or Media Server ...

ASUS Wireless Router GT-AX11000

AiDisk enables you to: Share files in the USB disk through the Internet. Create your own domain name for the FTP server. For advanced file-sharing configuration ...

Using Aidisk For File Sharing - Asus RT

AiDisk, Servers Center, and Network Printer Server. Using AiDisk for File Sharing. AiDisk allows you to share files stored in a connected USB storage. device ...

[Wireless Router] How to access a USB disk connected ...

2023年7月7日 — By AiDisk, you can share the files in the USB disk which you plug in the router through the internet. AiDisk combines simple FTP settings with ...

[無線路由器] 如何讀取連接華碩路由器的USB外接儲存裝置

2023年1月18日 — AiDisk為快速設定的方式,若需要關閉FTP功能,請點選[USB 相關應用] > [伺服器中心] > [以FTP分享磁碟],將[啟動FTP]設定為[OFF(關閉)] 。 3. 如何更改 ...

網絡寬頻» 請問有無人用緊Asus AidiskFTP server 呀? 有 ...

2013年1月3日 — 2, 即使在家, 對於連接左router個external harddisk, 我不能夠直接delete harddisk內個file, 點解呢? 有什麼地方做漏左呢?希望有心人比D意見.


VPNserver:PPTPPass-Through,PPTPServer,OpenVPNServer.VPNclient:PPTPclient,L2TPclient,OpenVPNclient.AiDiskfileserver.-SambaandFTPserver ...,2016年12月23日—IrememberafewyearsagothatthereweresomehighprofilestoriesaboutvulnerabilitiesinAsusrouters'AiDisk,SambaorMediaServer ...,AiDiskenablesyouto:SharefilesintheUSBdiskthroughtheInternet.CreateyourowndomainnamefortheFTPserver.Foradvancedfile-sharingc...